Faculty of Agriculture and Environment

Mohamed Abdi Osman

Dean, Faculty of Agriculture and Environment

Message from the Dean

I am delighted to share our faculty’s objectives, activities, and future aspirations. Our faculty’s objective is to provide a transformative education that prepares students to be leaders in agriculture and environmental sciences. We emphasize equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and values to address global challenges and contribute to sustainable development.
Through our diverse academic programs, cutting-edge research initiatives, and experiential learning opportunities, we strive to foster innovation, critical thinking, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Our faculty members are actively engaged in research projects that tackle pressing issues such as climate change, food security, and ecosystem conservation.
We also place great emphasis on community engagement and outreach. Our faculty actively collaborates with industry partners, government agencies, and local communities to transfer knowledge and expertise, promote sustainable practices, and address the evolving needs of society.
Looking ahead, our aspiration is to continue pushing the boundaries of knowledge in agriculture and environmental sciences. We aim to be at the forefront of research and innovation, driving positive change through interdisciplinary collaborations and international partnerships.
Together, we can shape a brighter future, where sustainable agriculture, environmental conservation, and global food security are achieved. I am confident that, with our collective efforts, we will make significant contributions to society and inspire the next generation of leaders in our fields.
In line with the promise of global relevance and desire to build the future graduate of business and economics in the image and likeness of the country’s needs and challenges, we aim to prepare our students for a globalizing world with a well-rounded and high-quality education. With our research activities, we strive to extend the frontiers of science and to educate prominent leaders for a sustainable future. Toward this goal, one of our top priorities is to encourage and enhance by focusing on advanced interdisciplinary work, span of development studies and interactions among economics, business administration and international relations in our education and research programs which investigates the changing nature of social, economic, political, technological and cultural aspects of society, with a particular focus on developing countries. At the center of our mission, we aim to make a significant contribution to the education of professional accountants and business leaders to become value creators in both public and private sectors at various levels. The programmes on offer in the faculty have been accredited by various international and national organizations and this opens doors for our graduates on an international platform. The faculty of Business and Economics at Amoud University is dedicated to your success. We work hard to provide you with relevant opportunities to gain practical experience, assisting you in launching your career.

Faculty Stats

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Enrolled Students



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About the Faculty


Our vision is to achieve excellence and pioneering in agriculture, livestock production and environmental education in the nation through provision of high quality education and research for sustainable development and to meet local and regional job market requirements.


To offer high quality educational programmes and produce graduates capable of working in different fields of agriculture, animal production and environmental management, while conducting research and community outreach activities.


The Objectives of the Faculty of Agriculture and Environment

  1. To produce qualified human resource who are equipped with modern knowledge and skills of agriculture, livestock production and environmental education, for local and non-local contexts.
  2. To develop and disseminate technological innovations through training, research and outreach, through appropriate media/channels.
  3. To produce practical and competent graduates who can diagnose, prescribe and implement appropriate solutions to address the problems in agricultural, livestock production and environment in the region and beyond.
  4. To develop partnerships with farmers, private sector, national and international agricultural institutions in technology development; enhance agricultural and livestock productivity; and improve environmental conservation methods.

History & Background

The Faculty of Agriculture and Environment was established in 2005 with the aim of producing highly trained manpower, with a broad range of both conceptual and practical skills geared towards promoting crop production, animal production and environmental education to the nation through research and outreach activities. The faculty currently offers three undergraduate programmes: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Bachelor of Science in Animal Science and Bachelor of Science in environmental management. The graduates of the faculty of agriculture and environment have diverse employment opportunities ranging from self-employment, financial institutions, government agencies, private sector and national and international development agencies.

Faculty Programs

Agriculture is vital in Somaliland, where 60% of the population lives in rural areas. However, only a small portion of land is suitable for cultivation and faces challenges such as environmental degradation, declining productivity, and climate change. Amoud University is tackling these issues through agricultural development programs aligned with local needs. By increasing crop production and productivity through innovation and research, trained professionals can improve the livelihoods of locals.

Amoud University offers a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management programme to address global environmental problems by creating an ecosystem balance, monitoring changes, and minimizing degradation. Graduates will have the skills to solve environmental problems in the country and beyond. The programme trains in environmental natural resource aspects and satisfies regional research demands.

Livestock is crucial for Somaliland’s economy, but productivity remains low due to genetics, nutrition, and veterinary care. Lack of trained professionals is a major hindrance. The Bachelor of Science in Animal Science program aims to bridge these gaps through research, training, outreach, and community service.

Faculty Management Team

Abdirizak Mohamed Moumin

Associate Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics

Omar Mohamoud

Associate Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics

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