School of Postgraduate Studies and Research

Dr. Feyera Dinsa Hundessa (PhD)

Chief Executive Director, School of Postgraduate Studies and Research


The School of Postgraduate Studies and Research was established in 2012 and has three campuses: Borama, Hargeisa, and Online. We have a team of 20 permanent lecturers and 15 visiting lecturers. In the upcoming academic year, we expect to expand our faculties. Our lecturers are international experts. Our School of Postgraduate Studies and Research focuses on practical-based education, research productivity, academic writing, proposing solutions, and aligning programs with market-oriented and regional demands. We aim to foster skill development, refine writing abilities, undertake impactful research, and tackle pressing societal challenges. Join us in pursuit of academic greatness and positive change.

School Stats






PhD Programs

0 +

Masters Programs

0 +


Admissions are Open

New Semester II Intake

Registration for the new Semester intake at the School of Postgraduate Studies and Research, Amoud University is Open Now. Don’t Miss the Opportunity to enroll in our diverse range of postgraduate programs.

Admission Requirments

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