

Jaamacadda Camuud waxay aad ugu faraxsantahay inay ku dhawaaqdo in todobaadka dhaqanka uu furmi doono May 2, 2024 

Jaamacadda Camuud waxay aad ugu faraxsantahay inay ku dhawaaqdo in todobaadka dhaqanka uu furmi doono May 2, 2024 🗓 Nagu soo biir si aad u barato dhaqankeena suuban , cuntooyinka kala duwan ee dhaqankeena, bandhigyo soo jiidasho leh, iyo isweydaarsi macno leh. Waa fursad aan ku aqbalno oo aan ku qaddarinno hibooyinka ardaydeenu u leeyihin dhaqankeena. Si aad uga qaybgasho, hubi inaad iska diiwaangeliso Xafiiska Ururka Ardayda laga bilaabo Isniinta iyo Talaadada. Ha lumin fursadan cajiibka ah ee aad ku wada xiriiri karto, wax ku baran karto, oo aad si wadajir ah ugu dabaaldegi kartaan. Calaamadee jadwalkaaga, faafi ereyga, oo aynu ka dhigno Toddobaadka Dhaqanka mid qof walba waayo-aragnimo aan la ilaawi karin kahelo ! halkaasaa inoo balan ah! Faahfaahin dheeri ah ka daawo muuqaalka hoose 👋🌍 #ToddobaadkaDhaqankaJaamacadaCamuud


Successful Data Science Training Program with Bristol University and Transparency Solutions at Amoud University

Amoud University had the pleasure of hosting an esteemed team from Bristol University, UK, led by Professor Jaap Velthius from the School of Physics. Alongside them, Transparency Solutions, an international NGO committed to promoting transparency and accountability, also participated in a collaborative data science training program. The aim was to enhance the data science skills of academicians from various Somali regions and companies like Telesom. We are proud to announce that the training program concluded with great success, as 190 students graduated, with 160 completing the Advanced stream and 30 graduating from the Basic stream. Notably, the Amoud team achieved the highest number of graduates, with 60 students from the Advanced stream and 10 from the Basic stream. During their visit, the distinguished guests were warmly welcomed by Dr. Mohamed Muse Jibril, President of Amoud University, along with the Chancellor, Prof. Suleiman Ahmed Guleid, and Vice Presidents: Prof. Ahmed Abdilllahi Boqore, Prof. Mohamed Mohamoud Jama Derie, and Prof. Hamud Ibrahim Barkhadleh. The presence of several Deans and directors added to the significance of the occasion. Dr. Abdisalam Hassan Muse, the Dean of the School of Postgraduate Studies and Research and the coordinator of the program, presented a comprehensive report highlighting the remarkable achievements of the Amoud team. These accomplishments included the high number of graduates, their outstanding success rate, and noteworthy publications utilizing machine learning algorithms. Furthermore,the two universities and Transparency Solutions engaged in productive discussions to explore potential collaborative projects. This partnership aims to leverage the expertise of all parties involved, including the international perspectives and experience brought by Transparency Solutions, to initiate initiatives that further advance the field of data science. This exchange between Amoud University, Bristol University, and Transparency Solutions represents a significant milestone in the realm of data science education. By joining forces with an international NGO like Transparency Solutions, these institutions are dedicated to advancing knowledge, promoting research, and nurturing skilled professionals. We are excited about the future possibilities that this partnership holds for the development of data science in our region and beyond.

news, Research News

Amoud University Hosts Ceremony for Awarding Internal Research Grants.

Amoud University held a ceremony to award internal research grants. The ceremony, organized by the Center for Research and Community Service (CRCS), leading by Director of the CRCS and internal research grant management committee. The event attended by the university’s senior leadership, including the President and Vice Presidents, deans, directors and other University staff and grant applicants for both staff and students.During the event, grants were awarded to six teams, comprising four staff teams and two student teams, all recognized for their outstanding proposals. This initiative is aligned with the university’s strategic goal of enhancing research and knowledge production.

news, Research News

University’s Internal Research Grant Award Ceremony: Celebrating Excellence in Research and Innovation

Ladies and gentlemen,Good evening and welcome to the University’s Internal Research Grant Award Ceremony. Tonight, we gather to celebrate the spirit of inquiry, the pursuit of knowledge, and the dedication to innovation that drives our academic community forward.It is with great pleasure that we come together here to recognize the outstanding efforts of our esteemed colleagues. From the President of Amoud University to the Vice-Presidents, the Deans, Associate Deans, and the passionate lecturers and staff who applied from their respective faculties and departments, your commitment to advancing research and scholarship is truly commendable.Research is the lifeblood of any academic institution, and tonight, we honor those who have demonstrated excellence in pushing the boundaries of knowledge within their fields. Through your dedication, creativity, and perseverance, you have not only enriched our understanding of the world around us but have also inspired future generations of scholars to follow in your footsteps.As we gather in this momentous occasion, let us not only celebrate the achievements of our award recipients but also reaffirm our commitment to fostering a culture of research excellence and innovation within our university community. Together, let us continue to push the boundaries of knowledge, break new ground, and strive for excellence in all endeavors.Congratulations to all the award recipients, and thank you to everyone who has contributed to the success of this event. May tonight be a testament to the limitless potential of research and the transformative power it holds for the betterment of society.Dr. Saed A. WalhadPrincipal, Amoud University College of Health SciencesThank you.

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Hambalyada guddoomiyaha Jaamacadda Camuud, Dr. Maxamed Muuse Jibriil, ee munaasibadda Ciid Alfitri.

Hambalyada guddoomiyaha Jaamacadda Camuud, Dr. Maxamed Muuse Jibriil, ee ku aaddan munaasibadda Ciid Alfitri. #EidMubarak2024 #EidatAmoudUniversity Follow us on our Socials Website: Facebook: X (Twitter): LinkedIn:


Gudoomiyaha Jaamacadda Camuud Dr.Mohamed Muse Jibriil iyo labada gudoomiye ku xigeen Prof. Ahmed Abdilahi Boqore iyo prof. Mohamed Mohamoud Jama Dirie ayaa soo dhaweeyay wafti uu hogaaminayay Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda maaliyada Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland mudane Saleebaan Jaamac Diiriye.

Waftiga ayaa kulan la qaatay Gudoomiyaha Jaamacadda, halka oo uu gudoomiyuhu kula waadagay warbixino ku saabsan horumarka kala duwan ee ka socda jaamacada mudooyinkii u dambeeyay.


Amoud University, Faculty of Computing and Informatics (FCI), Semester Opening Meeting Highlights, March 18th, 2024

Amoud University, Faculty of Computing and Informatics (FCI), held the opening semester meeting on Monday, March 18th, 2024 at main campus, Amoud University Borama, at 11:00am. Edwin O. Okech, Dean, FCI, chaired the meeting, alongside Warsame A. Sh. Abdi, Associate Dean, Students Affairs and Staff Welfare, FCI, and Harun M. Ibrahim, Exam Office, FCI. Several senior lecturers attended the meeting whose main agenda included review of Sep 2023/ Jan 2024 semester performance; Plans for Mar 2024/ Jul 2024 semester; Research and Community Service; E-Library, Project proposal writing and staff publications, among other major contemporary issues.


Visit from Dr. Mary B. Adam to Amoud University Strengthens Health Research Partnership

Dr. Mary B. Adam, Director of Maternal Newborn Community Health and Head of Research at AIC Kijabe Hospital in Kenya, paid a visit to Amoud University with the intention of rekindling a long-standing partnership between the two institutions and forging a fresh alliance in the field of health research. Her visit follows that of Yusuf A. Hared, our Director of the Center for Research and Community Services, who began visiting Kijabi in December of last year to revive and establish new partnerships. The President, Vice Presidents, Principal of the College of Health Sciences, and other top management were also welcomed and eager to finalize the new collaboration.

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