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Hambalyada guddoomiyaha Jaamacadda Camuud, Dr. Maxamed Muuse Jibriil, ee munaasibadda Ciid Alfitri.

Hambalyada guddoomiyaha Jaamacadda Camuud, Dr. Maxamed Muuse Jibriil, ee ku aaddan munaasibadda Ciid Alfitri. #EidMubarak2024 #EidatAmoudUniversity Follow us on our Socials Website: Facebook: X (Twitter): LinkedIn:


Gudoomiyaha Jaamacadda Camuud Dr.Mohamed Muse Jibriil iyo labada gudoomiye ku xigeen Prof. Ahmed Abdilahi Boqore iyo prof. Mohamed Mohamoud Jama Dirie ayaa soo dhaweeyay wafti uu hogaaminayay Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda maaliyada Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland mudane Saleebaan Jaamac Diiriye.

Waftiga ayaa kulan la qaatay Gudoomiyaha Jaamacadda, halka oo uu gudoomiyuhu kula waadagay warbixino ku saabsan horumarka kala duwan ee ka socda jaamacada mudooyinkii u dambeeyay.


Amoud University, Faculty of Computing and Informatics (FCI), Semester Opening Meeting Highlights, March 18th, 2024

Amoud University, Faculty of Computing and Informatics (FCI), held the opening semester meeting on Monday, March 18th, 2024 at main campus, Amoud University Borama, at 11:00am. Edwin O. Okech, Dean, FCI, chaired the meeting, alongside Warsame A. Sh. Abdi, Associate Dean, Students Affairs and Staff Welfare, FCI, and Harun M. Ibrahim, Exam Office, FCI. Several senior lecturers attended the meeting whose main agenda included review of Sep 2023/ Jan 2024 semester performance; Plans for Mar 2024/ Jul 2024 semester; Research and Community Service; E-Library, Project proposal writing and staff publications, among other major contemporary issues.


Visit from Dr. Mary B. Adam to Amoud University Strengthens Health Research Partnership

Dr. Mary B. Adam, Director of Maternal Newborn Community Health and Head of Research at AIC Kijabe Hospital in Kenya, paid a visit to Amoud University with the intention of rekindling a long-standing partnership between the two institutions and forging a fresh alliance in the field of health research. Her visit follows that of Yusuf A. Hared, our Director of the Center for Research and Community Services, who began visiting Kijabi in December of last year to revive and establish new partnerships. The President, Vice Presidents, Principal of the College of Health Sciences, and other top management were also welcomed and eager to finalize the new collaboration.


Kuliyada Maamulka Ganacsiga iyo Dhaqaalaha Jaamacada Cammuud ayaa waxa uqabsoomay shirkii koobaad ee bilowga kalka labaad ee sanad dugsiyeedka 2023-2024.

Kuliyada Maamulka Ganacsiga iyo Dhaqaalaha Jaamacada Cammuud ayaa waxa uqabsoomay shirkii koobaad ee bilowga kalka labaad ee sanad dugsiyeedka 2023-2024. Hormuudka kuliyada mudane Bishaar Cilmi Yey ayaa ugu horayn hambalyo iyo bogaadin udirey maamulka iyo macalimiinta kuliyada, ugana mahad celiyey shaqadii fiicnayd ee ay soo qabteen kalkii koobaad. intaa kadib waxa shirka diirada lagu saaray qorshayaasha Kalka labaad Isla sanadka 2023 -2024.

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University Senate Convenes First Meeting of Second Semester, 2023/2024 Academic Year

The University Senate convened its first meeting of the second semester of the 2023/2024 academic year in the meeting hall located on the main campus, with Dr. Mohamed Muse Jibril, the University President, presiding over the proceedings. During the session, reports were presented by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Research, as well as the Vice President for Administration and Finance, highlighting key academic and financial matters. Discussions also focused on the implementation of a medical insurance plan for University staff. Additionally, the President provided updates on the recent delegation visit to several European countries, aligning with the University’s strategic objectivel of fostering international collaborations and partnerships.

news, Uncategorized

Amoud University Delegation Tours Germany to Strengthen Educational Partnerships

Official delegates from Amoud University proceeded with their travel by visiting multiple European institutions and universities. They are on an official tour of Germany, visiting Frankfurt, the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Bonn University, and Welthungerhilfe Headquarters in Bonn. Their objective is to establish fresh alliances and reinforce current collaborations, with the ultimate goal of promoting education and research partnerships between the North and South regions, where they are establishing research and education partnerships and facilitating scholarly exchange among faculty staff and students. The initial outcome will be that a number of faculty staffs will commence their PhD studies in Germany the following month.


Amoud University Delegation Fosters Partnerships in Scandinavia

Amoud University’s official delegates, including President Dr. Mohamed M. Jibril, Board member Eng. Aydid H. Dahir, Dean of the Dentistry School Dr. Abdirashid O. Ibrahim, and Director of the Center for Research and Community Services Yusuf A. Hared, are currently touring universities in Scandinavia with the aim of fostering new partnerships and enhancing existing collaborations in order to promote research and education between the north and south. After finishing up in Sweden, they are now in Oslo, Norway, for a formal visit to Oslo University to form ties in research, education, academic exchange, and cultural interaction.

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